Jul 27, 2009

a letter to God


Anonymous said...

I dont know if this is the right thing to say. But i will do it anyway. Doors close for a reason. We all know that. The door that opens with the lord behind it will never close. Though you shut it or not He will always be there. When You cling on God, other things fall away, sometimes these things are what we love. You know that as well.

Its never easy to hear others being happy and moving on with thier lives. But as friends, people share the good things and the bad things in life. But, yes, when you are in a sad and uncomfortable place, these things are hard to hear. Yet they share becuase they know you care, they share becuase they long for happiness to be shared.

The hardest things in this world to do, it to cling on to God, when things fall apart and when things we long for cannot be ours. Yet it is in this place, where God draws close, and God calls...even in the wispers, even in the sound of the wind or a slight cold breeze.

What ever you decision may be, may it be to step back frm friends, or step in a quite dark place of your own.... NEVER EVER step away from God.