Jun 26, 2009
Jun 25, 2009
Jun 24, 2009
Jun 23, 2009
Jun 18, 2009
Jun 17, 2009
Jun 16, 2009
Spring Cleaning
Is not my house right with God?
2 Samuel 23:5
I am not (so) into the whole sweeping, dusting, mopping thing. I rather allow the layers to settle, rather than have it flying about. Making my eyes water, tickling my nose, throat and giving me the sniffles. But an untidy home, is an unwelcome sight, where one is never comfortable living in or asking people to visit.
Therefore despite the height of intolerance to housework – we must do them to make our homes livable and also hospitable to others. In the same way, the Holy Spirit calls my heart ‘home’ and by His grace, we should ever so often do a thorough spring cleaning. Sweep away the layers of complacency and strongholds, break away the cobwebs of lethargy and wrong attitudes, mop away wrong thinking; and make our hearts a pleasant abode for the Holy Spirit. so that we too could echo King David’s words and know without a doubt that our house is indeed, right with God.
Lord God, make the chambers of my heart, one which is pleasant to the Holy Spirit. Forgive me my sins, my attitudes, my insecurities and the way I think, which hurts You and make my heart right within me, so that I may be right with You. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Posted by Rishi at 11:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: Spring Cleaning Our Hearts
Jun 12, 2009
Jun 9, 2009
Born again, revert, convert…
What kind are you?
What is the right definition?
I am the kind who profess ...
Jesus is my Saviour. The only One.
He died and rose again,
To give a sinner like me the free gift of salvation.
This is all which matters to me.
Not for those who walk in the Light.
Posted by Rishi at 4:31 PM 1 comments
Truth, lies
Light darkness
Good, evil
Laughter, tears
Love hate
Life death
Beginnings ends
Freedom, slavery
Reality, fantasy
The depths of the world
The height of the Word
My way – his way
Who do I serve?
This day,
Whom will I bow down to?
Posted by Rishi at 12:33 PM 1 comments
Jun 8, 2009
Earth Hath No Sorrow, Heaven Cannot Heal
“For I am convinced than nothing can ever separate us from His love. Death can’t and life can’t. The angels won’t, and all the powers of hell itself cannot keep God’s love away.”
Loneliness, I read recently, is the result of great loss. I know for a fact, I could be in a room full to the brim, with the closest people I hold so dear to my heart, but still be the loneliest person on the face of the earth. So many years ago someone I love – died. Ever so often, I feel the void she left behind. The facts are: she’s with God, I will see her again, one day… But today, that particular ‘one day’ seems so far away and what is real is the pain of this moment.
One night I was feeling particularly vulnerable and at random, allowed my fingers to flip through the Bible and my gaze fell on these words: “I have been young and now I am old, and in all my years I have never seen the Lord forsake a man who loves him; nor have I seen the children of the godly go hungry.”
When it comes to Jesus, the facts stand invincible, so very much like Jesus Himself. He’s a very persistent kind of God. “I’m not going anywhere – I won’t leave you and I won’t forsake you – never, ever.”
That’s an advantage of being Jesus’. Even when I am utterly lonely, I’ll never ever be alone in that place called ‘loneliness’, and that’s love penetrating the fortress I’ve built around myself. That is love penetrating and breaking down the walls while building bridges to my heart. That’s God saying I won’t allow you, to shut Me out. That’s God saying ‘nothing can separate you from me.
Posted by Rishi at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: Never Alone
Caught Between The 'What Ifs'
Sacrifice. Surrender. Simple words. But will power, generally gives me a hard time.
I look at God the Father and wonder how He managed to give up - surrender His one Son to people who only nailed Him to a cross.
It was predetermined that Christ would die a certain death. The Father knew. Yet He gave up Jesus. And I cannot fathom the Father's pain. I gather together my treasure and tell God here they are. They are nothing in value in contrast to the sacrifice on the cross, but they are my treasure and I want to hold on to it.
I cry while I offer it God and waver between the 'what ifs'. But while i cry and wail, in my mind I see the Son go forth, unwaveringly, toward the mount, the cross on His back - His destiny - death - to die for a sinner like me, who wavers between the 'what ifs', when He has something far more awesome than my heart can fathom.
Posted by Rishi at 12:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Surrender
Jun 5, 2009
Jun 2, 2009
A Prayer
Another day of wonder, mystery, doors to walk through, people to see and reach out to. I place my hand in Yours once again – Lord take the lead. Walk with me God as I walk with You, into today. Trust, I trust my life to you, my family, everything which is precious, I entrust to You – for I have no power to protect when circumstance impact everything I think is secure, but all circumstance is in Your mighty hand..
Discernment I ask for the obstacles which await me across my path.
For the things I cannot handle, I ask Father for strength. You carry me, I know so close to your heart. I know You have my best interest in Your heart.
Teach me to smile from my heart and value people as You value them. Teach me to love as You love, despite the weaknesses, despite the attitudes, despite the backstabbing, backbiting comments – teach me, this unconditional love, so that I may reflect Your heart to others.
When disappointments come, teach me tears are healthy and holding on to unforgiveness is not. Teach me therefore dear Father, to let go every hurt that pounds on the door of my heart, to forgive freely and to love abundantly.
To You this day I commit, put a song in my heart, a skip in my step. Help me to live in Your promise and be a fragrance unto You and the people around me, my Father.
In Jesus’ name.. Amen
Posted by Rishi at 3:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: prayer