“For I am convinced than nothing can ever separate us from His love. Death can’t and life can’t. The angels won’t, and all the powers of hell itself cannot keep God’s love away.”
Loneliness, I read recently, is the result of great loss. I know for a fact, I could be in a room full to the brim, with the closest people I hold so dear to my heart, but still be the loneliest person on the face of the earth. So many years ago someone I love – died. Ever so often, I feel the void she left behind. The facts are: she’s with God, I will see her again, one day… But today, that particular ‘one day’ seems so far away and what is real is the pain of this moment.
One night I was feeling particularly vulnerable and at random, allowed my fingers to flip through the Bible and my gaze fell on these words: “I have been young and now I am old, and in all my years I have never seen the Lord forsake a man who loves him; nor have I seen the children of the godly go hungry.”
When it comes to Jesus, the facts stand invincible, so very much like Jesus Himself. He’s a very persistent kind of God. “I’m not going anywhere – I won’t leave you and I won’t forsake you – never, ever.”
That’s an advantage of being Jesus’. Even when I am utterly lonely, I’ll never ever be alone in that place called ‘loneliness’, and that’s love penetrating the fortress I’ve built around myself. That is love penetrating and breaking down the walls while building bridges to my heart. That’s God saying I won’t allow you, to shut Me out. That’s God saying ‘nothing can separate you from me.
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