Another day of wonder, mystery, doors to walk through, people to see and reach out to. I place my hand in Yours once again – Lord take the lead. Walk with me God as I walk with You, into today. Trust, I trust my life to you, my family, everything which is precious, I entrust to You – for I have no power to protect when circumstance impact everything I think is secure, but all circumstance is in Your mighty hand..
Discernment I ask for the obstacles which await me across my path.
For the things I cannot handle, I ask Father for strength. You carry me, I know so close to your heart. I know You have my best interest in Your heart.
Teach me to smile from my heart and value people as You value them. Teach me to love as You love, despite the weaknesses, despite the attitudes, despite the backstabbing, backbiting comments – teach me, this unconditional love, so that I may reflect Your heart to others.
When disappointments come, teach me tears are healthy and holding on to unforgiveness is not. Teach me therefore dear Father, to let go every hurt that pounds on the door of my heart, to forgive freely and to love abundantly.
To You this day I commit, put a song in my heart, a skip in my step. Help me to live in Your promise and be a fragrance unto You and the people around me, my Father.
In Jesus’ name.. Amen
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