May 22, 2009

Ebbs... .. flows...

Why must life ebb and flow ceaselessly, 
mercilessly relentlessly? 
For once why won’t life to stand still?
To savor the moment, 
to feel every circumstance – run the circumference, 
to flavor the length and breadth of it...
Of each tear which threatened to fall… 
To feel the reason behind every smile which made my heart lighter. 
To know the depth of piercing hurt...

circumstance becomes a memory and memories disappear.

Life ebbs, life flows… 

The hands on the clock run in its course 
with not one hesitation in between. 

A day ends and a day begins and onward we stride
on the road unknown,
But in the course set by the One who knows where we have been, 
Knows where we are, 
And where we are heading.

Life doesn’t stand still - for anyone 

The present becomes the past.
Every moment is designed to go on, to move forward.
From circumstance to the next,
Whether it brings laughter or pain... ebbs... life flows.


Jacquie S said...

Rishi, I am one priviledged individual to see/hear of you growing from strength to strength. I am so blessed to be your friend & sister in christ & I am inspired & encouraged by your beautiful words from the heart . God Bless you my dear friend !! xx Jacquie S