Aug 3, 2009

A prayer for today

Dear God

When I want to give up, encourage my heart to go further, to take another step. To persevere despite what is. Help me to focus on You God when the giants loom high above me. Encourage my heart even now to pursue the greater things in life. Do not move my obstacles Father, but give me the wisdom to face every single one as they come up ahead of me. Help me also to dwell on the things which stir your heart. For you are my Father and I am your child, You are my Shepherd and I will go wherever you lead me. Father In the places where I have put my hand on the plough, help me to remain committed. Refresh me. Rekindle the fire within my heart for your causes, for You. Whatever the terrain, I want to make it to the finish line. Help me walk forward. Give me strength in my heart to accomplish all things you have planned for me to, today. In your name Jesus, I ask. 



Nikki (Sarah) said...

this is my prayer too. Sarah

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

Keeping focused is hard to do. I just had an employee (a supervisor) ask how to make good decisions about his employees -- I asked him if he had considered prayer. It works, especially when used liberally and frequently and attended to (that "focused" part that you mention).

Anonymous said...

Yes that's true Elizabeth, praying is easy when things are tough, but hard when all is well. My will has a way of going in a totally opposite direction when it comes to discipline. If i could get that to work, i would halve all my senseless wandering.
Thank you for visitng Sarah.

LCM said...

That was very encouraging. I don't know why but it reminds me of the verse that talks about how we live in this world but we are not of this world. I found you at the Christian bloggers website. I really enjoy reading your blog. Thanks!!!